Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grow hair real fast? besides pills, medication and hair extensions???

At my school everybody has super long hair and long hair i REALLY want long hair now! what can i do to get long hair besides pills, medication and hair extensions??? i need YOUR help!!! i have brown shoulder leingh hair

Grow hair real fast? besides pills, medication and hair extensions???

Some peoples hair naturally grows fast and others naturally grows slow. I don't think their is anything out there that will help to make it grow faster. My hair is down to my waist but I haven't had it cut in over two years.The only thing I did was wait and let nature take it's course and never got my hair cut.

Grow hair real fast? besides pills, medication and hair extensions???

They say massaging your scalp helps your hair grow

Grow hair real fast? besides pills, medication and hair extensions???

Cut your hair about an inch every few months.

Grow hair real fast? besides pills, medication and hair extensions???

Be patient and let nature take its course.

How fast does your hair grow?

My hair grows way too grows like 1-2 inches a month, and it takes way to much to upkeep.

How fast does your hair grow?

your hair growth is normal

not too fast

if u take hair treatment u can grow 3/4 inche per month

How fast does your hair grow?

same a way it's good!mine grows 2 1/2 inches a month!

How fast does your hair grow?

Google it.

How fast does your hair grow?

mine grows fast I take prenatal vitamins ( trying to get preg) and I think they have a lot to do with it. I get my hair trimmed every 6 weeks and get an inch taken off and noone can tell it is any shorter

How fast does your hair grow?

about 3/4" - 1" a month

How fast does your hair grow?

Normal hair grows at an average of 1/2 inch a month.

How fast does your hair grow?

it's supposed to grow 1/2 inch a month. but my hair is stupid. it grows like 1/4 inch per month (REALLY FRIKIN FRUSTRATING IF YOU ARE TRYING TO GROW OUT YOUR HAIR!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)

How fast does your hair grow?

1/2 inch per month

How fast does your hair grow?

My hair is curly so it grows even slower. When I straigthen my hair (which I don't because it is so difficult) I gain about 5 inches of hair! So my hair gains about 1/3 inch of curly hair a month. Normal hair grows about 1/2 inch per month, but this depends on your hair type and how healthy you diet and exercise are. This means you are a very healthy person. I wish my hair grew that fast, I would leave it really long. If you are really sick of your hair you could get it cut super short in a cute bob. Hope this helps!

How fast does your hair grow?

it grows about 1/2" per month

How fast does your hair grow?

really really fast like every night

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

And I don't mean male pattern baldness, it's the one that some people have no body hair at all.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

Are you referring to alopecia? (pronounced al-oh-pee-sha)

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

Men worry more than women, and we are a lot crabbier than they are

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

I forgot the name but my aunt has that and she wears a wig and had her eyebrows tattooed on.

It starts with 'A'.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

Alopecia is the term for the loss of hair, and also for the condition where people who can't grow any hair.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

Allipesia Areata (I know spelled wrong but you,ll understand what I mean)

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

i don't know but one of my friends have it and i can ask him.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

I went to my doctor for this condition which is called alopecia, he gave me an envelope.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

lucimia or cancer

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?


What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

alopecia, i think. Thats what my biology teacher says

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

aleopecia areata %26amp; i have had it since i was 8 you can get steroid injections into the scape if you do not have totalis and your hair has the chance to grow back.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

the condition you are talking about is called allopicia, or allopicia areata........

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

in spanish "lampi甯給", but may be is necessary take iron for don`t lose the hair.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

Alopecia. Of which there are varying forms.

"Alopecia areata is a form of hair loss from areas of the body, usually from the scalp. Because it causes bald spots on the head, especially in the first stages, it is sometimes called spot baldness. In 1%閳?% of cases, the condition can spread to the entire scalp (Alopecia totalis) or to the entire epidermis (Alopecia universalis)."

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

Baldingoleosisyndromitis. It is a very serious thing.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

It is called Alopecia areata. Generally, people simply refer to it as alopecia. When it spreads to the entire head, it is called Alopecia totalis, and when it spreads over the entire body, causing loss of all body hair, it is called Alopecia universalis.

I have actually met a couple of people with it. It has been very difficult for them to deal with, as both of the people I know who have it are women. Society is accustomed to men with bald heads, but it is a lot more stressful when it happens to a woman, especially since a woman's hair is so often tied to her sexuality.

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

Hairless!!! lol idk

What is the name of the condition where people lose hair or can't grow hair?

It's called alopecia..I know someone with it....she's bald mostly with fuzz on her head, has to wear hair pieces...don't know much else about it.

About how many inches could my hair grow by july/august?

it grows a little faster than normal, according to my hair dresser ( 1/2 inches every 2-3 weeks)

About how many inches could my hair grow by july/august?

well, then just do the math. If they told you that it grows about 1/2 an inch every 2-3wks then just count the wks. starting from today Jan 21st to about Aug 4th. it will be 28wks. Divide that by 2 (because supposably it grows about 2-3 wks) that gives you 14. So in 4 wks it will be one full inch. that means that in 28 wks it will be about 14 inches long.



About how many inches could my hair grow by july/august?

Hair on average grows a 1/2 inch per month. It depends on the person though.

About how many inches could my hair grow by july/august?

Well if it grows that fast (I am jealous), probably at least 6 to 7 inches.

About how many inches could my hair grow by july/august?

normally, your hair grows 1.25cm every month. in summer it grows quicker because of the sun. the sun heats up your blood and your blood is what makes your hair grow. it will grow quicker if you excercise (as the oxgen is moving faster/also adds heat) and have a healthy diet.

giving it a treatment every now and then helps to maintain the condition.

roughly it should grow 5.3 inches? hmm that may not be right lol

About how many inches could my hair grow by july/august?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. A slow process, but there are just no instant solutions. To Know more about your hair will help you.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

I am growing my hair to atleast lower back length. My hair is currently collar length.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

What has happened to everyone! I think long hair is sooo HOT on some guys. Not everyone of course but I think it is very sexy on most.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

i don't like guys with long hair. ewwwwwwwww! don't grow it out.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

Only some guys can pull it off, for example. (no offense) latinos, I think it's sexy! But if it's like wild looking and unruly then absolutely NO!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

i don't like it. I think it's grungey.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

Ewwww long hair awful, hair @ shoulder length even worse!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

ima girl and i would think it looks terrible unless u r old and wrinkly and ride a harley.then its just creepy

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

personally i think it's kind of weird and sometimes gross becuase guys don't take care of it enough. i guess some girls dig it but personally, i would neve date a guy with hair past their shoulders. when a girl goes out with a guy she doesn't want her boyfriend to have the same haircut as her.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?


What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

If you look good without a shirt then you'll look good with longer hair! That's the Rule!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?


What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

i like my husband with short hair as he really suits it that way, but i really love long hair on guys if they suit it...hold me back!!!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! i would get the impression that u WANT to look like a girl.... sry i had a very bad experience.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

depends on the girl!u ll find huge correlation on nationalities and where they spent most of their lvs!! for example.....Eastern Europeans will hate u for the long hair! or at lst....80% of them! ;-)

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

uggh don't like it at all...but some chicks do

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

I hatehatehate long hair on guys, when it's skater, and no longer then three inches past your ear it's okay, anylonger and it'll be greasy and yucky :(

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

Dont even bother asking, come on thats ugly and disgusting!! EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

eww that's way to long for my preference.

the longest i can tolerate it .....

brushing shoulder length

and even then few guys can pull that look off without looking foolish (in my opinion)

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

it depends if ure kinda preppy or not, like the style was, when the guys wore it shaggy and had side bangs

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

I really don't like it. A lot of the time, it looks unkept and gross. Collar length is even too long if it's all one length. I like guys with hair that goes just past their eyes.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

i say shoulder length is the limit. a bit below the ears is a good length

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

Ok please don't grow it out. Girls hate it trust me. I asked all of my friends and please don't. You will look much better without one and I can telll you right now you will get girls without it. Good luck in w/e you choose and Im sure some girl will like it!!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

I don't like for a guy to have hair that long. What I would like is a guy with long hair up to their shoulders, like Mitchel Musso. That looks hot. It makes guys look kind of old when their hair is below their shoulders!!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

it depends.... some ppl it looks good and some dont... same like girls, short or long everyone dosint like the same thing... but if you do keep your long hair... make shure to always use conditionner...

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

I think hair longer thank shoulders is gothic and hippy type. Rememeber its my opinion.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

I have to wonder if they know what siccors are. Guys just can't pull off long hair. I've yet to meet a girl who did NOT like a clean cut guy.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

Thats straight you just gotta look masculine with it! (cause if you look feminine then of course people are gonna think your gay! Duh!)

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

some girls thinks it's attracting and some girls thinks it's gross.

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

Depends, Matt. If you're into vintage-style clothes, 60's and 70's era, then by all means grow it long!

As a child of the 60's, I'm still a sucker for a guy with long hair...but according to some of the more youthful ladies that have responded, many of them don't seem to care for it. It's your hair, and you can do as you darn well please though :)

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

if you can keep your hair nice and groomed better than girls it will probably be a hit because the girls wont be able to keep their hands of off your hair...but if its just gonna be nappy and smelly then i wouldnt recommend it...

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

Hair that long actually is better on a female, but I have seen only 1 or 2 men with hair that long that looks halfway ex had beautiful extremely clean hair down to his waist..that was about 14 years ago...but my preference is short hair..much sexier esp with a shirt that has a collar and a couple of buttons as hell!!!!!

What do girls think about guys who grow their hair out below their shoulders?

I loooove long hair on guys -- my BF has shoulder-length hair and I have all sorts of fun curling it, braiding it, putting it in barrettes, etc. If it suits you and you like it , go for it! However I would say that I prefer shoulder-length to below the shoulders -- whatever your length, make sure you take care of it and wear it in neat styles!

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

I have never had a long pubic bush, my b/f loves a real long bushy bush but my pubic hair doesnt hardly grow. I have never had to shave do to the fact that I hardly have any hair there. Is there anything I can do to make it grow long? I have tried shaving what is there so when it grows back its longer but that really dosent seem to help. Somebody please help me, I really want to please him.

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

I think you're still too young. Actually, post pubescent hair should get bushier with shaving though other hair doesn't. So if you shave your head, legs, or arms there won't be a change, but if you shave your underarms or pubic area, you get more hairs in the area. How old are you? Definitely not an adult, right? I'd say leave your hormone crazed boyfriend and find somebody that will really love you and not make you feel like you not only need to change your behaviour but your body.

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

Sorry. If he is that shallow, you don't need him!

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

ew dude! he should love you for who you are not what your bush looks like.

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

You can't make it grow. He'll have to accept you as you are!

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

he is fuc-ked up. 99% of guys want a "bald' woman.

oh, by the way, I'm single...:)

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

ok- # 1 we should all be so lucky- # 2 are you old enough to have pubic hair? # 3 if the man don't like you for who you are then leave him

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

age will make it grow

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

get you some rogaine or miracle grow

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

I am a naturopathic doctor in CA specializing in female issues. Message me at

My pubic Hair wont grow !!!?

Keep pulling it till it hurts.

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

I got my hair really short and im sick of it, so now im growing it really long until i can choose a proper style.

I want long hair, with my fringe to one side

right now i got really short pony tails, with my fringe to one side.

but mum says i need it trimmed every couple of months but my hairdresser dosent know the meaning of trim!

she'll cut it all off and we'll be back to square one.

will it look okay if i keep growing it?

or shall i face the scissors ]=?

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

you can grow your hair out whether you get it or not but your hair shaft can split and your ends do get damaged from brushing styling etc. trimming your hair has nothing to do with the hair that grows from the roots. But, if you don't trim your hair your hair may get frizzy from normal wear and tear and may get itchy, I would recommend cutting your hair at least once every few months to shape it as it grows out or it will be hard to manage. As for your hairdresser, explain to her you are trying to grow your hair long and show her holding your hair how much you want off, explain to her you don't want to chop it off like she usually does. If she still continues to do it the opposite you want get someone else obviously she isn't listening. Also to get your hair to grow faster try taking pre natal vitamins, yes they are for pregnant women but you don't have to be to take them my hair dresser told me about it and it made my hair and nails grow faster and my doctor was happy too because I am getting the essential vitamins I need.

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

It will grow whether you trim it or not. You just might have a lot of split ends which may cause breakage if you don't get regular trims. Find a new hairdresser that will TRIM your hair!

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

Go to a different hairdresser. I got my hair cut by this great hair dresser and it just started growing and growing. You have to cut the ends cuz if you don't you could get split ends and I'm pretty sure you don't want long ugly hair.

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

get it cut once every three months,, or when it starts to look unhealthy, you only have to get it cut a bit.

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

you need to just TRIM the very very tips of it every 6-8 weeks for it to stay healthy looking. if you don't you'll get split ends and your hair will be damaged.

you need to tell your stylist CLEARLY that you want to grow out your hair and ONLY want a ends TRIMMED off (probably about 1/4 -1/3 of an inch. Show her EXACTLY how much hair youu want cut off on her comb (she should have a comb with a ruler on it)

If she does not listen, then get another stylist because she is not doing you any favors.

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

use wild growth hair oil it works used it and i wrote to the company that i enjoyed thier product my hair grew back in 5-8 months

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

sounds like it is time for a new hairdresser! Your hair to grow and not be full of split ends needs to be trimmed 1/2 every 6-8 weeks (depending how fast your hair grows). Help it out with hair, nail, and skin supplements.

Can i grow my hair without getting it cut every few months?

It is better to get it cut as hair stops growing on split ends. Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea helps in hair growth. Boil rosemary leaves in water and use this water while washing your hair daily to improve hair growth. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

When will my baby grow some hair?

My daughter is now nearly 7 months old but she is still very bald. I'm desperate to put her some pigtails in as people always think she's a boy if she's not dressed in pink. Will her hair start to grow soon?

When will my baby grow some hair?

She will get it soon. Some babies, like my brother, are born ready for a hair cut, others, like me, don't get hair for over a year. It depends on the baby really.

When will my baby grow some hair?

I nannied a premie with no hair at 9 months. I saw her at 2 years old and she finally had some eye brows, but no head hair.

I passed her recently in the car, (they live down the street from me), and iam pretty sure I finally saw some hair under her hood. She'd be about 3 1/2 by now.

It all depends on the baby. Fair children and premies dont get hair fast. Although most do by one year.

When will my baby grow some hair?

I keep asking myself the same Q

Merry Christmas

When will my baby grow some hair?

My sons hair was still very thin at the time of his first birthday, it was kind of wispy! Please dont worry, im sure her hair will grow beautifully with time. His hair is now darker and thick, he's 3 in may and looks like a pixie as it needs cutting!!

When will my baby grow some hair?

everything happens in its own time. my sister didnt get hair properly until she was about 1yr now she's 11 and has longer hair than me!! dont worry about what people think at 7mths old a baby would look odd with loads of hair. they dont stay young for very long dont wish for them to grow up too quick xxx

When will my baby grow some hair?

yes . might take a while everyone is different . sounds like she will have fair hair . i think bald babies are sooo cute be proud and don't worry will grow soon, you can get really cute hats and hairbands if you like

When will my baby grow some hair?

I did not have hair until I was 3 years old.

When will my baby grow some hair?

Oh honey, mine is 5 mon. and she gets called a boy ALL THE TIME!! She has to wear pink EVERYday and I'm a little tempted to go get her a wig... LOL!!! JK!! (something my dad said) but anyways.... It will come when It comes and you can't really rush things like this. but fortunately it's cold right now, so you can put really cute hats on her (pink of course) that might help a little.

When will my baby grow some hair?

she wont be bald i have not seen any bald kids at the school.

When will my baby grow some hair?

My son is almost a year old and he has very little hair. Someone told me to get it trimmed every now and then and it should grow thicker and it has started showing sign of nice hair growth. Try and massage her scalp with baby oil. Hope that helps.

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

My hair is about 2 inches past my shoulders %26amp; it seems like it just will not grow! I noticed that it seems to be breaking off at a certain point. Just at the ends--about 1/4 of an inch. So Ibrush my hair and look down on my shirt and have these little pieces of hair on it. It happens no matter what I do--even with regular trims.

What is causing this %26amp; how can i prevent/stop it? Any recommended products? Is it because I use a straightener (I know that doesn't help--but that can't be the only reason!)

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

Hi, I actually read this really good article about ways to make your hair grow faster, you'll find more useful information there I'm sure:

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

I haddd and sometimes still have the same problem . . .

and yes its cuz u use a straightener cuz i do too and thats what my stylist said. . . straighteners burn ur hair and dry it out... so buy a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner i recommend DOVE its the onlly one that gives me good results

also buy a deep conditioner and use it once a week and leave it on for a few minutes in the shower. . .

keep getting trims !

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

warm up some olive oil and massage into ur hair like you would do with shampoo. Have a shower an hour later like u do normally, it should help. Plus , use lots of conditioner and regular trims

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

in addition to what those two people said.

use a heat protector when you straighten your hair.

it will protector your hair from frying.

im sure that will help your hair

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

the split ends are the damaged part thats why it breaks. keep trimming it, soon ur hair will grow

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

Here is the best advice I can give you about your hair. I had a similar problem make sure you (or someone who loves you ) brush your hair everyday for at least 2 minutes. I used to think that brushing your hair to much causes split ends, but that isn't so, actually it helps keep your hair stronger. Also avoid putting your hair in a pony tail or bun while it's still wet, and don't pull your hair to tightly through a ponytail holder, that too can cause damage to your hair. Using a straightener is probably what is doing it to you, if you can stand it give your hair a rest.

My friend who is a licensed beautician and into natural beauty treatments hipped to some new products that make my hair so healthy and shiny. She took me to an Indian store, I got something called Vatika by Dabur, I think you can find it on line. It has neem oil and coconut oil in it as well as henna, henna makes your hair really strong and healthy and neem oil protects your hair from chemicals and heat. Just brush the Vatika in your hair about 15- 45 minutes before you plan on washing it. Then wash it out, you won't need any conditioner. Your hair will feel and look great.

Split ends...and my hair wont grow!!!?

i use products. it stopped all my flyaways. u know when you get up from watching tv and theres tons of hair on couch, no more for me! i love the stuff.

How can I make my dogs hair grow back?

Ok, he is thyroid deficient. Had him on meds. Was on antibiotics for staph infection. Infection became little holes on his neck. Holes healed. Skin is still irritated and red. Hair lost on neck has not grown back. Looks like scar tissue? I don't know what to do! He needs his neck hair back! Also has spot on his tail where hair is gone. Is there any salve, tonic, cream...cure? Any ideas?

How can I make my dogs hair grow back?

If he's thyroid deficient, then he needs to stay on the thyroid meds forever, you can't stop them or all the symptoms will come back. If he's still on the meds, then he probably still has a skin infection %26amp; needs another round of antibiotics. Either way, the only way to get his hair to grow back is to fix the underlying problem.

How can I make my dogs hair grow back?

Hair grows back eventually. Don't freak out. If you think it's that serious that your dog doesn't have tons and tons of fur, go to your vet

How can I make my dogs hair grow back?

i dont know

How can I make my dogs hair grow back?

if its just like spots of it missing you can use neosporin

How can I make my dogs hair grow back?


Why won't my hair grow??

My hair doesn't grow!! No joke, I've had the same length for at least 10 years and never ever get it trimmed. What vitamin is lacking in my system or how can I get my hair to grow?? I envie people who actually can get it styled and have it grow to be styled differently!!!

Why won't my hair grow??

it may be cause Ur body is lacking some mineral in Ur genes.

Why won't my hair grow??

It's obvious that yi have a sick. Go ask your doctor.

Aww men the doctor will have 10 points!!! lol XD lmao

Just ask your doctor, it's probobally a sick from the hair.

I just said 'sick'? XD Sorry I suck at English, cause i'm a Filipino 'ya know?! xD

Why won't my hair grow??

put a wig on

Why won't my hair grow??

YOu need to trim your hair once in a while or else you'll get split ends instead of new growth. I ran into the same problem, but trimming my hair made it grow faster.

Why won't my hair grow??

Some hair is just created to be shorter. Think legs, arm, underarms. It doesn't grow forever. Sorry not much help

Why won't my hair grow??

you need to get it trimed you need all the dead off so the new can grow. my stepmom owns her own barber shop that is how i know.

Why won't my hair grow??

Hey Chicka...okay one thing you need to do is get a trim...that always helps...and Vitamin E come in capsules so you can take those regularly. Change shampoos and conditioner to a hard to grow hair type.....Hope that helps

Why won't my hair grow??

getic problem seek help from your family doctor.

Why won't my hair grow??

well to start with..regular trims promote hair growth. Also Vitamin E, and Fish oils...Are very good with hair skin and nails. Go to a health food store or like a GNC and get a vitamin that is for Hair..then also take E, and Fish oil.(its in pill form). ..and get regular trims..i trim my hair just a little once a it grows about a inch a month. Hope this helps :)

Why won't my hair grow??

Do you have hair loss problem?

Perhaps ur longer hair drops, without you noticing.

Or perhaps, you have been pulling your longer hair off because of stress!

Tell you what, CONSULT a doctor!!!

Why won't my hair grow??

my hair dresser has always told me that the more you are active and exercise the more likely your hair will grow. since when you workout oxygen is moving through your body, this can help stimulate your hair growth. i have always been in many many sports all through out school and since ive graduated i try to workout on a daily basis and i have to get my hair cut about every 8 wks. hope it helps!

Why won't my hair grow??

would you like to your hair will get healthy growth..... then use the ayurvedic medicines (hair oils ex.sesa hair oil) and ate c vitamin fruits and iron food regularly. do meditation for minmum 15 mitunes and some small exercises for ur fitness then you will get the better result with in one month. Have a good luck.

Why won't my hair grow??


Why won't my hair grow??

Although no new hair follicles are made postnatally, each and every hair follicle undergoes three-part cyclical growth pattern in order to produce a new hair. Normally, the hair grows to a maximum length, then hair growth ceases and the hair is shed and replaced. These phases of the hair growth cycle have been described as:

Anagen, a long period of growth

Catagen, the transitional period from growing to resting lasting 2 to 4 weeks

Telogen, a period of inactivity lasting 2-4 months

Anagen is the active phase of the hair, and extends from the termination of the inactive phase, telogen, to the beginning of the regressing phase, catagen. This phase involves the complete re-growth or regeneration of the lower, cycling portion of the follicle, i.e., the hair shaft factory. The epidermal cells surrounding the dermal papilla form the germinal matrix or root of the hair. These cells are constantly dividing, and as new cells are formed they push the older ones upwards and eventually out. During this phase the hair grows about 1 cm every 28 days. Because there is a limit to the time a follicle stays in anagen, there is also a limit to the length of its product, the hair shaft.

The anagen phase is further subdivided into six sub-stages. These are:

Stage I -growth of the dermal papilla and on-set of mitotic activity in the germ-like overlying epithelium

Stage II -bulb matrix cells envelop the dermal papilla and begin differentiation, evolving bulb begins descent along the fibrous streamer

Stage III-bulb matrix cells show differentiation into all follicular components

Stage IV-matrix melanocytes reactivate

Stage V-hair shaft emerges and dislodges telogen hair

Stage VI-new hair shaft emerges from skin surface

There is generally little variation in the duration of each stage between species, except for anagen VI, which is the period during which the hair is produced at its maximum rate. The developmental processes which must occur before a hair is produced are presumed to be similar in all mammals.

The matrix cells are referred to as transit-amplifying cells because they undergo a limited number of cell divisions before differentiating. Some molecular regulators of the anagen to catagen transition have been identified, but their exact mechanism of activity is still a grey area. Scientists have been successful in discovering that fibroblast growth factor-5 (Fgf-5) may trigger catagen onset. Mouse experiments have shown that total skin Fgf-5 expression increases in late anagen and that, in its absence, catagen induction is delayed prolonging anagen. There are other molecules that could serve as anagen-supporting signals, and there is also an increase in the number of deeply situated perifollicular mast cells.

Like anagen, catagen is a highly regulated event, in its initiation, development, and termination. The purpose of catagen is to delete the old hair shaft factory and to initiate the stem cells of the bulge and the papilla to set the stage for the formation of a new follicle. Catagen is regarded as the transitional phase in the hair growth cycle, and there are chemical and structural changes that take place in the hair follicle during this phase.

The hair follicles go through a highly controlled process of involution, a process of progressive decline or degeneration, burst of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in the majority of follicular keratinocytes. Follicular melanogenesis (formation of melanin) also ceases during this stage, and some follicular melanocytes undergo apoptosis as well. Towards the end of the catagen stage, the dermal papilla condenses and moves upward, coming to rest beneath the hair-follicle bulge.

Telogen is considered as the resting stage or the period of quiescence in the hair follicle cycling process. When hair follicles enter telogen and stop making hair, they dump their last cells on to the end of the fiber. This lump of cells acts as an anchor to hold the hair fiber in the tube of the hair follicle. The hair is now called a "club" hair as the lump of cells on the end gives it a club appearance. This non living hair is attached to the skin with a "club-like" root, but will eventually be pushed out and replaced by a new growing hair, usually during combing or washing. The telogen stage typically lasts for two to three months before the scalp follicles enter the anagen stage and the cycle is repeated.Exogen

Shedding of hair is another important aspect of hair growth. As the shedding phase takes place independent of telogen and anagen, it utilizes a separate set of controls and has been given a name, 閳ユ竼xogen閳?in hair biology. Exogen is a highly controlled and timed event in mammals that shed on a seasonal basis. This feature is a protective mechanism, which minimizes the shedding of protective hair before new hair is available. Researchers have noted that it is not unusual for human telogen hairs to be retained for more than one follicular cycle, suggestingt the anagen phase and the exogen phase are independent events.

For the purpose of regeneration of the follicle and for the maintenance of the epidermis and sebaceous gland, reservoirs of multi-potent epithelial stem cells are set aside during development. These precious follicle stem cells are found in the bulge of the hair follicle, and are activated at the telogen to anagen transition, to initiate a new round of hair growth.

Normally this cycle of hair production and inactivity continues for the duration of the individual's life, but external factors can influence and inhibit hair production and in some cases lead to physical destruction of the hair follicle. The relative duration of each of these phases also varies with the individual's age, nutritional status, hormonal factors, and other physiologic and pathologic factors. The duration of anagen determines the final length of the hair and thus varies according to body site; catagen and telogen duration vary to a lesser extent depending on site.

Hair growth and loss in humans is random and not seasonal or cyclic. At any given time, a random number of hairs will be in various stages of growth and shedding. Determining the molecular signals that orchestrate the follicle閳ユ獨 transit between these stages is one of the key challenges of hair research. Visit, my website.

Why won't my hair grow??

ur hair might be damaged. like hav split ends, its too dry or oily, whatever.

u shud go see a doctor about a vitamin, but u shud go and get a haircut every 1 or 2 month by 1 cm at least so u wnt have any split ends etc.

and u shud go for that oil treatment every month. its nt that expensive. maybe like 20 dollars the treatment and cutting like 5 dollars ;)))

Why won't my hair grow??

I am sorry to tell you that hair length is predetrimined by genetics. Not every body can get there hair super long. Your hair might get a little longer if you only brush it enough to get the tangles out but there is not much you can do. The miracle hair cures are gimmicks and a vitamen deficancy would not cuase your hair to stop growing totaly unless it was exterme. You can overdose on viatmens so be careful. I think your hair hit its terminal length because logic would tell me that if you truly did not trim your hair it would be 60 inches. Be gentle with your hair and only trim if you get split ends. Triming will only slow down growth because the new growth will all end up on the ground.

Good luck

Why won't my hair grow??

The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How long will it take to grow my hair??

So about 4 months ago I made a huge mistake and cut my long hair really short. I asked them to cut it shoulder length and she razored it close to below my ears. Now the longer pieces are a little passed my shoulders, but the shorter pieces are a little above my long do you think it will take for it all to mostly hit longer than my shoulder so I can cut it all one length again and let it grow from there?

How long will it take to grow my hair??

you need to let it grow past your shoulders.

that will take may be 6 months.

then you can cut it.

but go somewhere different,

if she made that mistake then you shouldnt go there anymore

How long will it take to grow my hair??

Made the same mistake!

my hair is near a little below my shoulders now..

it's taken almost 6 months.

And i think in 6 more months it should be pretty long.

Take a look at the time you cut your hair,and how many months it's been since you got it cut and how long its grown.

then think in the next BLANK months my hair will have grown this much as it did.. get what i mean?

How long will it take to grow my hair??

it'll take about 8 months to grow out your hair to cut it one length

How long will it take to grow my hair??

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How long will it take to grow my hair??

The ultimate truth is that for hair to grow longer, we have to eat healthy, exercise adequately, reduce stress and most important sleep well. Include B-complex, B6, and vitamin C, E to make up for any deficiencies.To Know more about your hair will help you.

How long will it take to grow my hair??

On an average, hair grows at the rate of half to an inch a month . The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

I'm trying to grow my hair out about six inches and I would like to know the general time span that this would take to accomplish. Any ideas?

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

A long time.

In eleven months my hair grew seven inches. So about ten months.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

12 months

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

well your hair grows almost an inch a month.. but it can vary from person to person.

so about 6 months

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

I can offer you an idea, I chemically relax my hair every three month and the growth is about 2 1/2 - 3 inches. So judging by that I am assuming 6 months.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

It really depends. They say 1/2 inch a month but mine grows faster than that. Also, if I take those hair %26amp; nail vitamins you can buy from Wal-Mart or most drug stores, you'll see your hair grows faster.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

about a year or a year and a half

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

abt 6-8 months, tht also depends on the type of hair u hav, whether its straight, fizzy, wavy or curly..

eat healthy food, water n hv som vitamins.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

I think that it varies for different people. I just got my hair cut today and I bet it will be the same length it was when I walked in in about 3 weeks. My hair grows really fast that way.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

You should buy the Nature's BOunty Skin, Hair %26amp; Nails Tablets.

It helps your hair and nails grow faster and it gives you better skin b/c it gives you body vitamins and other stuff.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

This is a really tough question, because honestly, it depends on hair texture and other factors. Everyone's hair grows at different speeds. I don't know what your hair is like, but your avatar has curly hair, so I am assuming that maybe you do? If you do have curly hair, it will take longer for your hair to look like it has grown 6 inches because the hair winds up and appears a lot shorter than it really is.

How long does it usually take hair to grow 6 inches?

1.put rosemary oil in ur hair

2. Drink water(LOTS)

3. Execerise %26amp; eat Healthy

4. Stand on your head for 10 mins (5min in the morning%26amp; 5 mins at night)

5. go to wal-mart and get this tablets called "Hair, Skin, %26amp;Nails"....=]

6. BE PATIENT!!!! =]


What can I do to make my hair grow faster?

my hair always gets to the same length and then seems as if it wants to stop growing.. what vitamins or anything can I take to increase the growth of my hair

What can I do to make my hair grow faster?

I heard if you use a shampoo called "Mane%26amp;Tail" ( Found at any drug store) it makes your hair grow longer and heltheir =]

What can I do to make my hair grow faster?

Mane %26amp; Tail shampoo

What can I do to make my hair grow faster?

I had the same problem. My hair just wouldn't get past a certain length. Then I started giving myself a head massage and man did my hair start to grow! It stimulates the blood flow to your head and therefore helps hair to grow faster. Use some jojoba oil if you can. You can find it in any health food store or Whole Foods. It makes your hair really shiny and soft.

Also, about Mane 'N Tail, I just used that stuff for the first time yesterday and my hair is so full and thick! I think I'll keep using it!

What can I do to grow more hair?

My hair is thin as it is and to top it off, I don't have much of it so i would like to find out if there's anything I can do to grow more or make it thicker.

What can I do to grow more hair?

try rogaine.

What can I do to grow more hair?

Rogaine, you can buy it in the drug store. You have to put it on every day and if you stop the hair that grew will fall out.

Ask your doctor you might be able to take those pills for encouraging hair growth. Propecia I think they are called.

What can I do to grow more hair?

If you are agirl. you can usemustard oil to grow more hair.

But if you are aboy you stop using hair gel to do style %26amp; if still want to use gel %26amp; show style to the chicks after coming from out side or showing style to the chicks you can wash your hair with shampoo.

What can I do to grow more hair?

try Scalp Med, it works.

What can I do to grow more hair?

Yogurt, Eggs on your Hairs for half an hour

What can I do to grow more hair?

Please tell me natural tips of hair fall control?And grow healthy hairs again.

What can I do to grow more hair?

to grow more hair all you need to do is plant some hair and water it,put some fertilizers.or else put some used oil everynight before you sleep,make sure that it's still hot..(joke)


What can I do to grow more hair?

Breed rabbits!

What can I do to grow more hair?

Natural homemade beauty tips---

Hot oil massages Fruit pack for hair,- ingredients from your kitchen cabinet --

What can I do to grow more hair?

well first of all i am a pharmacist and also had the same problem

well i used PANTOGAR tablet , 1 every day after breakfast for 6 months , belive me it works


also u can add lotion as hair back lotion or selcoseril ( garlic lotion)


watch what u r eating ur hair will be good and shini when u eat healthy food ( its a rule )

u can eat vegetables and fish that will make ut hair wow


last thing watch ur psychic status very well %26gt;i.e%26lt; when u r sad or depressed or something like that after a while ( not at the same momment or day ) i mean after 1 month u will c that ur hair is falling..

i hope that i have show u the way

What can I do to grow more hair?

I have been taking hair supplements for the past 3 years and here is what I have found.

ProCaps labs makes a great supplement called "Hair Skin and Nails" formula, here is the link for that

This is in capsule form and easy to swallow. This company, ProCaps labs is also extremely reputable and carries pure and effective products.

I took GNC's Nourishair for four months, and supplemented it with extra Biotin tablets daily due to its low Biotin content. I took 2500 micrograms extra Biotin with the GNC pills.

The Procaps hair vites have 2500 micrograms of Biotin in them, and don't really require extra Biotin be taken, but I do take an additional 2500 micrograms of Biotin for a daily total of 5000 micrograms of Biotin.

My hair is growing in thick and dark and quite quickly. My hair used to be very slow growing, but all of these supplements have really made a difference.

The only way to really change the health of your hair is by taking supplements that work internally on the follicle where hair is made, any shampoos or oils or other topically applied things do nothing to change hair's structure, that can only happen with systemically provided support, which means supplements that you take internally.. Keep in mind, regardless of how many or how much you take of any supplement, hair is never going to grow at a "Jack and the beanstalk" type of rate, the most you can hope for is to improve the strength and health of each hair follicle and to see an incremental increase in the rate of its growth

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

I hate shaving, just like the next guy, but I think I hate having a beard even more, its itchy, looks bad, and is just annoying. The thing is I've never grown out my hair this long and I don't know if a regular razor is going to cut it(no pun intended). I usually use the gillette 5 blade razor, but I was looking for input on the best way to comfortably shave at this point.

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

My husband does this regularly so I know why you are afraid to just pick up the razor...

He bought one of those beard trimmers and he trims it down (on the lowest setting) on the morning of the day he is going to shave it off.

Then that night he shaves it off.

So the skin recovers overnight

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

Try using a beard trimmer first. It might also make your appearance less grizzly in between shaves :]

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

Head to a barber for a quick shave. It's cheaper than buying a beard trimmer that you'll use once, and easier than cutting it down with scissors then shaving.

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

I would trim all off first and then use a woman's disposable razor. They are super sharp.

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

I shave because everyone has to once in a while, i use any blade. First, I wet the spots where i'm going to shave then i add soap you take showers with and put it around like shaving cream (it might burn while shaving dont worry) then i shave real slow and consistent because i dont want razor bumps then when all is done i wet all the spots again to wash away the soap then i dry myself wit a towel and i dont wipe i pad it down on my skin then when it is dry i put on any skin moisturizer. then done.

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

Try to cut it down as much as possible. Really long hair will blunt your razor like crazy. So you could try and electric beard trimmer or even cut it off with scissors and then shave.

How should I shave after 10 days of letting my facial hair grow?

Kjay and Amanda have the right answer. I shave right after though, there is no reason to wait unit the evening.

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

I'm trying to grow my hair longer before new years'

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

Brush "IT" Alot ! ! !

Especially if have ALOT of Hair ! ! !

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

Take vitamins. Brush it a lot. There's really not a lot you can do.

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

use "Mane and Tail" its a shampoo its used for horses to grow healthy hair. Or you can take a multi vitamin

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

well first, trim the ends dry ever two weeks..also i found keeping your hair REALLY clean helps your hair grow. i shampoo my hair twice every time i shower and it seems to help

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

I've tried the horse shampoo, %26amp; i saw why it was for horses. hahah.

but if yu want an instant fix, A permanent is like fertalizer to your hair. but , it may give you a body you dont want. they're great for straight hair, to give it body, even just getting a body wave.

%26amp; too, the more you brush %26amp; roll it, pulling onthe shaft, the more stress is on the shaft, you may see it grow faster that way. Do you trim it often. that is really recommended , to get rid of those dead ends!

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

Use Mane N' Tail, massage your scalp daily, comb your scalp's natural oild through your hair, and -most importantly- take these vitamins called "Shen-Min."

My hair was falling out, but I began taking "Shen-Min Advanced Formula for Women" twice a day, and my hair is growing really, really fast as a result. As an added benefit, my nails are growing really fast too!

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

i take vitamins everyday and within 2 months i could see my hair growing. Remember that the vitamins take about a month to work but it really does work. Also i heard coconut cream works..haven't tried it though

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How can I get my hair to grow longer fast?

The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. And these simple home remedies which will help your hair to grow can be made at home and work out less expensive than other alternative forms of medicines. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

I'm in 8th grade and since I was a baby I've had alot of hair on my arms. I have dark brown hair so it showed alot. People would always come up to me asking me why I had so much hair on my arms and I would just turn away or say thats how I was born. But as I grew older I started getting less and less self-confident about it. And then starting last year I thought it would be a great idea and I used Nair to take the hair off. I loved how it looked with no hair and I had to do it each week so stubbles would grow. I didn't mind but after a few months it got tiring. Now I just wanted it to grow back. But when I let it grow it looks like I shaved it and I haven't shaved in so long. Will it ever grow back to normal? Is there anyway to get it to grow faster? Any advice?

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

it will grow back, but may not be normal. could be darker, thicker, etc. just shave your arms in the shower while shaving your only takes a sec and guys love smooth forearms!!!

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

All i know is that like your legs or sometimes eyebrows it will grow back thicker

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

you can't make it grow faster. sorry.

you may want to consider lightening it. it won't be as noticable as it grows in.

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?


Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

Well I have heard of a similar story. If it will grow back it will take time. If not then by your gene pool it won't. I don't know your physiology so I can't answer.

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

Hey hey hey! We have a minor on sight. Do not answer anything

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

If you want your hair to grow, you have to email me, and tell me that you want to make love to me first. After I have made love to you, since I am a doctor that knows about such problem, I could do it as quickly as possible without a payment. So, Call the Doctor of hair.

Will my hair ever grow back looking normal?

I agree with the lightening process, however I think that if you were to try "Nads" first you'll find that it won't come in as thick as it is now. The reason being is with nair you're doing the basic same performence as shaving. Nads pulls it out at the root so it can grow back in as it was originaly intended, plus Nads isn't painful like waxing. After that when it begins to grow back in, try some lightening and I'm sure that you'll be pleased. Good luck.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

This is a serious question. I was wondering this one day. Why do we need them anyways? Just like armpit hairs. I don't understand why they grow.

I'm not trying to be funny. Please answer this question with maturity.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

I know the answer but I am laughing too hard to get serious. I would say that it is because it gives one a chance to practice hair styling to see if they have the talent to become a stylist. Otherwise, it is part of the art of the human form. Really, pal, would you like to be a teen or adult and look like your five year old brother? The answer has to do with cavemen and women but I gotta move on.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

think really hard about your balls exploding. because only when your balls explode, can hair grow on your damn testicles. GO CUT IT OFF. Report It

Why do we grow pubic hair?

to obsorb moisture ..

Why do we grow pubic hair?

protection. change cells

Why do we grow pubic hair?

that is the way we are made,just like we have eyes ears nose and mouth.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

Before puberty, the genital area of both boys and girls has very fine vellus hair, referred to as Tanner stage 1 hair. In response to rising levels of androgens as puberty begins, the skin of the genital area begins to produce thicker, often curlier, hair with a faster growth rate. The onset of pubic hair development is termed pubarche. The change for each hair follicle is relatively abrupt, but the extent of skin which grows androgenic hair gradually increases over several years.

In most girls, pubic hair first appears along the edges of the labia majora (stage 2), and spreads forward to the mons (stage 3) over the next 2 years. By 2-3 years into puberty (roughly the time of menarche for most girls), the pubic triangle is densely filled. Within another 2 years pubic hair also grows from the near thighs in most young women, and sometimes a small amount up the line of the abdomen toward the umbilicus.

In boys, the first pubic hair appears as a few sparse hairs on the scrotum or at the upper base of the penis (stage 2). Within a year, hairs around the base of the penis are too numerous to count (stage 3). Within 3 to 4 years, hair fills the pubic area (stage 4) and becomes much thicker and darker, and by 5 years extends to the near thighs and upwards on the abdomen toward the umbilicus (stage 5).

Other areas of the skin are similarly, though slightly less, sensitive to androgens and androgenic hair typically appears somewhat later. In rough sequence of sensitivity to androgens and appearance of androgenic hair, are the armpits (axillae), perianal area, upper lip, preauricular areas (sideburns), periareolar areas (nipples), middle of the chest, neck under the chin, remainder of chest and beard area, limbs and shoulders, back, and buttocks.

Although generally considered part of the process of puberty, pubarche is distinct and independent of the process of maturation of the gonads that leads to sexual maturation and fertility. Pubic hair can develop from adrenal androgens alone, and can develop even when the ovaries or testes are defective and nonfunctional. See puberty for details.

There is little if any difference in the capacity of male and female bodies to grow hair in response to androgens. The obvious sex-dimorphic difference in hair distribution in men and women is primarily a result of differences in the levels of androgen reached as maturity occurs.

[edit] Variations in pubic hair

Patterns of pubic hair vary among people. On some people, pubic hair is thick and/or coarse, while on others it may be sparse and/or fine. Hair texture varies from tightly curled to entirely straight. It can also vary by race and ethnicity with some indigenous peoples of Brazil in South America being unable to grow pubic

Why do we grow pubic hair?

To keep you warm during cold weather

Why do we grow pubic hair?


Why do we grow pubic hair?

After reviewing some theories on why pubic hair exists, it appears there's no definitive answer. It seems as though the prevailing theory relates to pheromones 閳?scents that the body produces that can be sexually stimulating to others.

It's thought that the tufts of hair that grow around the genitals, as well as under the arms, capture these erotic scents. Pheromones get trapped in the pubic 'do when apocrine glands release an odorless secretion on the surface of the skin that combines with bacteria decomposed by the secretions of the sebaceous glands. Believe it or not, humans have the same number of hair follicles as apes, except our body hair is generally very fine or barely visible in comparison. So, while pubic hair and underarm hair might be considered the primary scent traps, they're by no means the only ones. For some people, scents from these areas are noticeable and consciously increase sexual arousal. For others, pheromones might not be obvious but may be detected subconsciously.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

honestly i dont know i would assume a chemical in our body makes it grow. if you dont like it shave it or wax it.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

why do we need hair at all,why do we need a six pack,theres plenty of stuff on the human body we dont need

Why do we grow pubic hair?

y do head hairs grow idk we just have hair on our body

i have no idea when u find out let me no

Why do we grow pubic hair?

Well, I like to think of it like eyelashes, or the hairs in our noses, they prevent stuff that's not supposed to be there from getting in. I also imagine it has something to do w/ pheromones and what not, like the odors released from those areas. That's how animals attract mates, maybe it works the same with humans too!

Or maybe God had a sense of humor on the day he created people.... pubic hair is kinda funny...but I've wondered about this myself, I wonder what the other answers will be!

Why do we grow pubic hair?

From what I know, pubic hair is to protect the pubic region from dust. For girls, its to protect dust from entering and dirtying the vagina. For guys, i guess its to protect the dust from entering our pee-hole.

For armpit hair, its to allow our "smell" to disperse further.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

Warmth, but if you believe in evolution...

Cavemen had no clothes correct?

What kept them warm?

Pubic Hair is the answer.

Why do we grow pubic hair?


Why do we grow pubic hair?

We grow public hair as a visual sign to show that we are sexually mature enough to mate.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

Um... ever shave off all your pubes and have sex with someone who was also shaved? It's like velcro! Seriously though it is like a lubrication for sensitive areas. It protects from chafing.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

It is a germ barrier, just like the hairs in your ears and nose (invisible or not), eyelashes. Our open orifices need protection!

Why do we grow pubic hair?

To keep warm, that's why. It could also be in part to keep things moist and to protect sensitive skin. Good night!

Why do we grow pubic hair?

Found a few reasons:

1. People believe that evolution has basically had humans evolve with pubic hair so it signals mates that they can reproduce

2. The second theory is that when the body releases phermones(a chemical the body produces to attract mates) it becomes trapped in the pubic hair.

3.It also is known to regulate body temps and protect the private reigions

Why do we grow pubic hair?

im pretty sure you grow pubic hair to keep bacteria out of those places

Why do we grow pubic hair?

They show sexual readiness.

They allow a persons pheromones to linger.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

The biggest reason we humans grow hair on our bodies goes all the way back to the days when clothes were invented. Simply, we need the warmth it provides. Certain parts of the body require more coverage than others. Your pubic region requires less coverage so the hair there is more sparse.

Hair can also serve other purposes. In the ears and nose it helps filter out dirt etc.. that may clog things up. Under the arm it acts to help chafing that comes from the skin rubbing as your arms move.

Hair is just one of the amazing things that our body uses to keep us running at our best. So remember that next time you complain about your pits..that hair is serving a vital function.

Why do we grow pubic hair?

What Music buff said is so true.

U could make ur privates more attractive by trimming it in various designs - The Landing Strip, The Pyramid, The Plyramid upside down, The Bull Horn etc. The clitoris %26amp; below could be kept clean.

But most girls either keep it or shave if off completely.

Too much hair is ugly %26amp; too little is like a bald head.

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

please help me because i cant find any other way i can grow it longer and faster... my grandma told me to put tomatoes in my hair like soaking it with tomatoes but i think thats just crazy and hell no i wont try please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

try dr.miracle (Grease,oil and relaxer(if needed))it really works...and its betta than tomatoes lol...yes i have tried it and it works so good you'll be amazed my hair is longer,thicker and breaks less...u gotta try it..grease your scalp with it about twice a week and you'll see amazing results no lie!!!!

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

take lsd!!!

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

Try putting mayonaise on it. I heard that works.

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

Take MSM powder and vitamin e oil

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

Everyone seems to ask this question ----nutrition and genetics are HUGE factors in how your hair grows in and how fast.

Lacking B vitamins in your diet could be a problem as well (meaning eat some avocado's and lot's of yucky liver:0P).

If you become concerned it is not growing at all or you start losing hair go see a Dr. and make sure you don't have an underlying problem.

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

The tomatoes are first for me!! Maybe aside from the acidity of the tomatoes helping to balance a hard water situation, I wouldn't try it either!! Unfortunately, this might not be the answer you were hoping for:

Hair only grows about 1/4" to 1" per month. There is no sure-fire way or method of getting hair to grow faster than you naturally grow it. Many people swear by vitamins, others by scalp massage, and still some people swear that hair growth is purely dependent on lunar cycles.

You did not mention what you current regiment is. (How often you trim, if you use heat products, what hair care products you put in your hair.)

Biotin is a vitamin that is supposed to help with follicle stimulation. Some people notice rapid hair growth, and others notice nothing. One of the common side effects to Biotin is skin changes (oiler than normal and more prone to breakouts.) Pre-Natal vitamins are packed with folic acid and iron to help you retain protein. Only downside to using pre-natals is the obvious implication if someone else notices that you are taking them.

Scalp massages *might* help with follicle stimulation. Many people used infused jojoba oil (with rosemary and cayenne pepper as stimulants) as it mimics scalp's natural sebum. You will have to be dilligent in using it every night before sleep, and not everyone sees results. Everyone's milage may vary.

If you haven't cut it in more than a year, you might want to consider a microtrim. A stylist (or really trusted friend) "dusts" off a mere 1/8" off your overall length. In some people it causes a major growth spurt if you haven't noticed new growth in a while. Again, it might not work for you.

The best (and only sure method) is to let is grow at the rate it is, but keep your hair healthy and conditioned to minimize breakage and shedding. Happy growing!!

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

Seems like a growing problem with women that I believe has to do with envirmontal, diet, hormonal, %26amp; water quality issues.

The first thing I did when this happened to me was stopped using commercial shampoos that are sold in drugstores. They all contain the same ingredient which is Sodium Luareth Sulfate which is an industrial grade degreaser! Now why would you want to use such a potent chemical on your hair which ends up in your hair follicles %26amp; detroying them. It has also been linked to cancer.

I switched to Jasons or Giovanni Hair shampoo sold in the health foods isle in your supermarket. The ingredients include tea tree oil, rosemary extract, %26amp; a whole slew of natural ingredients that are not harmful to you.

Also take a multi vitamin high in Biotin %26amp; Zinc. Those are two things that promote hair growth. I get mine at GNC called 'Women's Hair, Skin %26amp; Nails'

GL %26amp; I know how you feel.

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

wild growth hair oil if you have any questions email me im on

the site my self im PB and yes works like really,%26amp; no there's

no side effects!!!

best of luck

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

Good hair growth starts with good internal health. I'd seek out your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what supplements they can offer for hair growth. I've used a great product called provillus.

How can i grow my hair faster????????!!!!!!!!?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How Many Inches Does Hair Usually Grow In One Year?

So, I had super super long hair. But about six months ago, I got the THEN "IN" bob, razored, short-layered hair cut. In length, it was about an inch longer than my chin. I loved it at the time! But now, I'm growing it out. Now, I want that long, flowy, hair. :l I regret getting so many layers! My hair's grown in length since then, but my layers are taking forever to grow back. So my hair is completely unever. By next September, I'm hoping I can achieve this dream hair. I haven't cut my hair again since that big hair cut mistake I made, and now my hair has grow up to an inch over shoulder length. How many inches does hair usually grow in one year? Anything I can do to make my hair grow faster? Anyway to make my hair look more even? I don't expect my hair to go from a little over shoulder length to super long hair over night. I'm hoping I can do it by next September. Hair extensions aren't an option. Thank You%26lt;3

How Many Inches Does Hair Usually Grow In One Year?

It depends on your hair growth cycle and the health of your hair. Hair generally grows about a half an inch to an inch a month. So that's 6-12 inches in a year. A lot of times, though, people never see their hair progressing because they are damaging it so much that it's breaking off as fast as it's growing. This can happen by heat damaging it too much, over brushing and combing, and not keeping your hair moisturized. The best way to ensure hair growth is to keep it moisturized and handle it with care.

How Many Inches Does Hair Usually Grow In One Year?

hair grows about 6 inches a year ( =

How Many Inches Does Hair Usually Grow In One Year?

Normally, hair grows about 1/2 inch each month.. So, in one year it should be about 6 inches longer. :D

How Many Inches Does Hair Usually Grow In One Year?

about 6 inches :( i am going mine out too its a pain

How Many Inches Does Hair Usually Grow In One Year?

Most hairs have a life expectancy of three to six years and on an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. So try

http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How long does it take to grow your hair about 4 inches?

i have about 1 inch of hair im a guy and want wavy medium hair about how long do u think i would grow 4 more inches 10 points to best answer

How long does it take to grow your hair about 4 inches?

4 months, but everyone is different. if u want to speed it up take pre-natal vitamins

How long does it take to grow your hair about 4 inches?

6 months

How long does it take to grow your hair about 4 inches?

everyone's hair grows at a different speed. My hair grows fast and takes me about six weeks to have it grow 4 inches.

How long does it take to grow your hair about 4 inches?

I asked my barber. She said MOST people grow an inch a month. So by her estimate, four inches - four months.

A few years ago I wanted to dress as a jazz musician for halloween. My military-short haircut would have been way too short. I stopped cutting my hair in June and had a nice head of wavy hair at the end of October - enough to slick back with gel and really have a 50's slick-backed Brylcreem look.

Good luck!

How long does it take to grow your hair about 4 inches?

Most people's hair grows about 1 inch per month, so 4 months.

How long Until my hair will grow back?

I just cut my bangs, because i thought it would look good, i messed up really bad... I took off about 2 inches.. i have been crying all day about it, I really want to know how long it will take until it grows back... (my hair doesn'g grow very fast)

How long Until my hair will grow back?

Hair grows about 1/2 an inch a month or so. So.. 4 months?

How long Until my hair will grow back?

Just get some hair pins and pin the bangs back until they grow out.

How long Until my hair will grow back?

In natural growth .5 inch per month but apply coconut oil and massage it with ur finger in circular motion 4 15-20 minutes, twice in a week,u may get it faster and dont play with ur hair any more,grow ur hair bellow waste line,it will look nice on u.

How long Until my hair will grow back?

My best guess for slow growing hair would be 1-2 months. My hair grows really fast so it would probably be back in about a month for me.

It will grow back and just be patient.

How long Until my hair will grow back?

About 4-5 months.


How long Until my hair will grow back?

Take seaweed kelp pills, they increase your hair growth by an inch sometimes, a lot more for me because my hair grows quickly, also flip your head down toward the ground and massage coconut or olive oil in your head for lke half an hour before you shampoo and condition it, use a leave in conditioner every other day, tie it back in a silk scarf at night and try to do as little possible with it as possible (that means no gels, chemicals or nothing until its the length you want)

plus you can hide the bangs by pining them up or keep them down with a cute thin headband

or to the side or taking more hair from the back and combing it forward over your bangs to hide them, you could go to a stylist and have them cut more heavier bangs to cover the really short ones in the front but really I think its less risky to just style them back

and you'll be fine :)

How long Until my hair will grow back?

Hair grows at the rate of half to an inch a month . Massaging makes a lot of difference to the rate at which hair grows, so a regular massage with any oil of your choice is recommended to speed up the process.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

How long Until my hair will grow back?

On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. A slow process, but there are just no instant solutions. To Know more about your hair will help you.

Are there any good hair removal creams that doesn't encourage hair to grow back?

i need a hair removal cream which doesn't encourage hair to grow back. i don't have sensitive skin but dark, course hair.

Are there any good hair removal creams that doesn't encourage hair to grow back?

i think the best thing 4 u is waxing or that silkeismil thingy

Are there any good hair removal creams that doesn't encourage hair to grow back?

See,removing hair using hair removal creams at a permanent basis is usually not possible.the best option for retarding hair growth for a long time is waxing,it has been the safest option since it has been removing creams contain acids%26amp;allergins which not only cause irritation in the skin,makes it appear darker and also enhances hair growth,increasing the size of the hair strand at each removal.waxing does make hair coarse but it is a lot safer than these carcinogens(cancer causing agents).laser hair removal is the best option for permanent hair removal and has also become a revolutionary invention with the progress uin nuclear sector and is immensely affordable.Fem is a good hair removing cream and u can try it keeps hair at bay for quite a long time.

Are there any good hair removal creams that doesn't encourage hair to grow back?


Are there any good hair removal creams that doesn't encourage hair to grow back?

i got few tips for hair removel from

What is a good way for me to grow facial hair quickly?

All my friends have long since grown their facial hair, while I, even though I'm older than some of them, don't have any yet.

What is a good way for me to grow facial hair quickly?

stop shaving

What is a good way for me to grow facial hair quickly?

Start shaving what you have regularly.

What is a good way for me to grow facial hair quickly?

idk some ppl just grow facial hair differently and at different bf is 24 and is baby smooth except the peach fuzz under his chin.As bad as he wants it also some men aren't meant to be all hairy

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

my hair has finally took off growing i would like it to get really long and good ideas

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

i use a good conditioner... only dry with a hairdryer when absolutely nescessary, only brush it all the way out when necessary, i usually use a big toothed comb to just get the major tangles out and i try to wear it up when i can so i dont touch it and make it break easy.

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

only cut it to cut off split ends.

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

Apply oil

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

Don't wash it every day, the shampoo strips the hair..

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

to make your hair grow long just don't cut it. except the spit ends get rid of those. to make it shiny you just need a good shampoo conditioner combo. try a few different brands and see what works for you.

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

shampoo and condiotionner

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

Never do anything to it other than wash it. Don't die it or blowdry it. Drink 2 litres of water aday. Have a good balanced diet. Don't throw up. Don't brush it when it's wet.

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

use indian amla oil

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

Pure coconut oil

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

apply oil thn next morn apply shampoo.for best results use garnier long n strong works

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

take a bath everyday! wash your hair properly! hot oil! comb your hair everyday!

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

Not to be funny but I break an raw egg over over my sheltie's dog food once a week to keep his hair shiny. It really works!

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

Apply oil after washing your hair. Avoid exposing to sun. Drink a lot of water. If can, avoid shampooing your hair.

How to make your hair grow really long and shiny?

Just let it grow and trim it once in a while. As for making it look shiny when blow drying your hair don't blow dry it all the way because this causes your hair to dry out and split and you don't want that.

What is the best way to grow hair on a 40 something year old whom is thinning?

I tried all the snake oil, I even tried the cold laser treatment for a year. I think it is all bull ,But I still have hope. Is it possible to regrow hair ?

What is the best way to grow hair on a 40 something year old whom is thinning?

i dont think so because its in the genes but you can have hair planted surgecially

Is there a shampoo or something that will help me grow more hair?

my hair is very thin ang i dont have much of it is there anyway that maybe i can make it grow thiker and alot of it?

P.S im talking of my head hair so please related answers

Is there a shampoo or something that will help me grow more hair?

Use Nioxin. you can get it a beauty supply store. It works.

Is there a shampoo or something that will help me grow more hair?

yeah, there is this kind of shampo that makes your hair more full, like just get volumelizing shampo.

Is there a shampoo or something that will help me grow more hair?

i was once told to use horse shampoo. no kidding. mane and tail in a white bottle works ok. as far as growing more... well i'm still waiting on that . but it smells good and it makes it very shiny.

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

a lot of the guys i know are wearing girl pants and are growing their hair long... i think its gross cuz its like they are trying to be girls? my boyfriend agrees with me, but his twin brother has long hair and wears girl pants (so do all of his friends) i just dont get it... do you?

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

It's the emo clan. They're basically guys gone hormonal.

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?


Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

Mabye there gays ...

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

in a word gay

or hippie

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

Cuz they wanna be ROCK STARS!!!!

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

Where are these people? We kicked them out of our neighbourhood last week.

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

They can!

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

It's Gay. I suggest they go get help. And I'm not trying to affend you bf brother. I'd rather see them with baggy pants and a mohawk for goddness sake!

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

1. they might be gay

2. it's just a new fashion style. i've seen it on a lot of boys at my school. its cool

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

Haven't seen the trend to "girl pants" you speak of.

Well, at least they're not still wearing tents for pants that damn near hang down to their knees.

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

People are foolish. If they are popular people join them.

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

What are girl pants? It's probably just what your generation is used to, but back in the 70s, everyone wore tight pants. Then we realized girls need to feel pretty, so we backed off and let them be the ones to wear tight pants, and then all of a sudden they go "ooh, we're so pretty" when actually, there's not that much difference in guys butts and girls butts.

Funny how girls think they are so clever to be hot when really it's what God gave them, and what we do in society to pretend there's a biiiig difference between guys and girls. Look at males v females in nature- the male peacock has the feathers, the male lion has the mane, etc. Only humans have to protect the delicate female ego.

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

Girl, listen to ya boyfriend. If they have long hair and are wearing pants that are tight as hell. Then they are 99.9% gay. Hope this answers yo question

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

Perhaps the same reason girls cut their hair short and wear boys clothes, and then look like a boy. Your right, I don't get it, but if they are a good person I can live with it.

Why do guys grow their hair long and wear girl pants?

they wanna be a cowboy baby,

or is that a rock star..

whats with you gals .you are always ranting about guys

"getting in touch with their feminine side"

and then they do and look what happens