Saturday, November 14, 2009

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

my hair is just touching my shoulders and I want it to grow to my back what can i do??

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

extensions. Your hair isn't going to grow that much. It sux b/c i just go my hair cut today and it's wayy shorter than what i asked for. Now, my homecoming hair plans are ruined. Ugh i'm mad now. lol but yeah you can't do anything.

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

Trim the edges of your hair

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

Let me know when you find out.

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

there are pills you can take

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

Get it trimmed often. If you dont you will have to cut off way more than you want. I had to cut off 6 inches because I didnt trim mine.

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

nothing.... your genes tell your hair how fast to grow! NOTHING MAKES IT GROW FASTER.

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

Hair extentions?

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

Getting it trimmed regularly help as crazy as that first sounded to me. Also not over drying-curling-straightening-etc helps, my sister swears keeping her hair braided helps. If you want to go a more expensive route I got my hair butchered %26amp; it was very short. I went to the salon %26amp; got Great Length extensions for 1200. No one knew the difference she matched my hair color %26amp; my highlights too. That lasted for 8 months %26amp; when I took them out my hair was back tp the original length %26amp; only I knew the difference

HELP! how do I grow my hair longer in 6 weeks?

Well it wont grow much father than it has in 6 weeks with out extensions but, there are ways. Take prenatal vitamins, they are not only healthy weather you are pregnant or not but, they will help your hair and nails grow faster. Also you can eat jello. You combine these two and you should at least notice a difference in 6 weeks. Also make sure you keep it trimmed to prevent split ends.

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