Thursday, November 12, 2009

African American: How long to grow tailbone length hair?

I am mixed with african american and asian.

My hair is about shoulder length now.

How long would it take me to grow my hair out to thick, tailbone length? How many years?

I have a regimen that I am following. Trims. Washing every AT LEAST once a week. Deep conditioning. Doing protein treatments. Massaging scalp w/oil. Low to no heat manipulation. Taking vitamins essential for healthy hair growth. Drinking 64 oz of water per day. Eating healthy. Exercising. Keeping hair in protective style, ie, big, thick plaits. etc. etc. So, with me properly taking care of my hair, how long do you think it will take to get to tailbone length?

Don't give dumb answers please.

Thanks in advance. =]

Any information given is greatly appreciated.

African American: How long to grow tailbone length hair?

Hi I am a Afrro- Caribbean woman and It has taken me 5 years to grow my hair to the length of just past my back bra strap.In order for this to happen, I had to cut down on using relaxers, and almost stop heat styling it. along with all the stuff you incorporate in your regime

I recently found these two sites dedicated to us. and the health and maintainance of our hair. There are quite afew women, showing before and after photos, showing the progress.Take a look, you will be pleasantly suprised.

Long Hair Care Forum

Natural Hair Recipes

African American: How long to grow tailbone length hair?

use pantene thick and full.

African American: How long to grow tailbone length hair?

well, i am african american and have been growing my hair since birth. i am 22 now and all i have is this measly lower back lenght hair so who knows....

African American: How long to grow tailbone length hair?

typically hair grows 1/2 inch per month. not much else you can do but be healthy, unless you know someone with prescription prenatal vitamins i've done hair for 11 years, that's the only thing i've found to speed it up.

African American: How long to grow tailbone length hair?

ok ,if your hair isn't already thick then its not gonna get thicker .

make sure you dont wash ur hair too often ...

i would say about 2 -3 years your hair will grow that long , if its meant to be that long

African American: How long to grow tailbone length hair?

hey; im mixed with native american umm i drastically cut my hair in the 9th grade to shoulder length and right now its past the mid section of my back almost to the tailbone and its been...about 4 yrs but i have gotten like 3-4 inches cut off every so often from then till now so i would guess about 2 depending on how fast it grows %26amp; how much you get cut everytime you go to the hair dresser

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