Saturday, November 14, 2009

How can you grow your hair long fast?

I have under the shoulder blade length hair but its takin ages, i havent cut it for 6 months and probs grown bout 3 inches, any way of making it faster? cuttin seems to make my hair shorter, any products?

How can you grow your hair long fast?

fact: head massages help make your hair grow faster, so rub your head for a bit before you go to bed and when you wake up. not only will it grow your hair but its also vvv soothing

How can you grow your hair long fast?

you should trim your hair not vut but just a little, i have the same problem, it will grow about twice as long and it'l take twice as fast

How can you grow your hair long fast?

there is no way to make hair grow super fast, but you can try to get some extensions. Be sure to find one that fits your hair color and style too. If you need help, then either Google it, or go to your salon. :)

How can you grow your hair long fast?

I have the same problem... My hair gets to about my shoulders and then I swear to God it justs stops--really frustrating. Actually though, I heard to try pre-natal vitamins and those did work. So yeah-get yourself some of those. They also make your hair really shiny and smooth. A lot of people don't believe this, but it did work for me.

How can you grow your hair long fast?

ok this is weird

but i heard that prenatal vitamins help it grow longer

but i don't know if that's true or not!

oh if you get your hair trimmed....then it helps it grow longer


i heard that too!

i really hope that that helps you!

How can you grow your hair long fast?

you should drink/eat dairy products like milk and trim a little bit of hair from the end

How can you grow your hair long fast?

brush it alot


head and shoulders

How can you grow your hair long fast?

oil message is good it nourishes the scalp we used cocucnut oil and almond oil in india this is why our hair is so long

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