Wednesday, November 4, 2009

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEA


???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

I am sorry to say, gelatin significantly improving growth rate is an old wive's tale, close on being an urban legend.

Gelatin appears to improve growth in nails (before hair) because even the smallest improvement appears significant), but gelatin strengthens, which means that nails and hair do not wear down as easily, they are stronger so don't beak as easily, and are less likely to be yanked out as easily during grooming. All these factors will make hair seem like it is growing longer faster, but this type of "improvement" is only noticeable on shoulder-length to mid-back hair.

Your hair grows an average of 1/2 inch per month -- slightly more in the summer and less in the winter. At best there might be 1/64th of an inch improvement in length. As the increased heat and humidity of the longer summer months, you could make a point of a stem bath or humidity treatment a few times a week.

I'm not suggesting you eschew gelatin, as there is befit to consumption both for body, nails and hair. But, hair needs keratin to grow, so you want to consider taking a fish-oil Omega 3 supplement along with your gealatin.

And no, commercial "Jell-o" (or its generic equivalent) is not the gelatin you would need to take. Knox, unflavored, in the packet -- the directions for drinking it as a supplement are on the side of the box (it will be one packet per treatment). Its pretty yukky by the way, and makes me gag going down. I believe there are gelatin capsules on the market.

So, depending upon the urgency for this super fast hair growth -- which just won't happen the way you seem to be hoping it will -- you might want to consider a hair fall, or extensions. Extensions/weaves are not noticeable to anyone, and is definitively the fastest way to get long hair.

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

Gelatin doesn't make your hair grow faster. Who told you that. Gelatin gives your hair volume. there is nothing you can do to make your hair grow faster. it grows at it's own natural pace no matter what you do. so either wait or you can get extensions.

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

A small bowl a day keeps the hair a-growin

haha sorry i made that up but i do agree with the lady above me.

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

It doesn't work. Take Biotin. Its a vitamin you can get at walmart. It helps your hair, skin and nails grow.

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

Well my aunt usually eats a bowlful (the regular sized ones, not the jumbo size salad bowls) every night and her hair and nails grow like weeds! I wish you could see her nails, they're so strong and beautiful...they look fake because they're so perfect. If you're trying to cut calories just eat the sugar free kind, or buy the Knox gelatin envelopes, you can mix that stuff in with just about anything and not even taste it. I've tried it, and it does work, but I get sick of Jello really fast! By the way I'm a former cosmetologist and I KNOW from personal experience that it does work! Good Luck! :)

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

hair grows approx. 1/2 inch a month. if gelatin worked hair salons would slap their names on it and charge $200 a box for a special "treatment". that's why hair extensions are so popular

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

I don't beleive jello will strengthen or help grow your hair.

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

there is nothing you can do to make your hair grow faster.

even the vitamins that claim they make hair grow fast just make it grow healthy.

???????????How much gelatin do you have to have each day to grow your hair fast??????????? HELP PLEASE?

hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause some thinning in hair or a retardation in the growth cycle.If you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.To Know more about your hair will help you.

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